Bringing high level craftsmanship to transmission & distribution networks


66kV Temporary Cables - Lackenby BSP, Middlesborough

Northern Powergrid decided to change the existing oil filled circuit breakers for modern SF6 Circuit Breakers within Lackenby BSP as they have reached the end of their design life. Due to some of the 66Kv feeder circuits being heavily loaded, it was nearly impossible to change the circuit breakers within the required outage timeframes.

The solution was to interconnect the feeder circuits with other feeder circuits to stabilise/hold the load via a premade 66kv cable system. At the beginning of the project, it was the first time that the Nexans pre made system had been implemented in the Northern Powergrid area.

We carried out the following works,

  • Supervision of personnel whilst working within the substation compound
  • Assistance in the installation of cable trough system (plastic closed troughing which was installed above ground, tiled and sand bagged)
  • Assistance in the installation of 360m of 400mm 66kV premade temporary cables
  • Assembly of temporary cable sealing end structures
  • Installation of 66kV premade terminations onto cable sealing end structures
  • Busbar connections as necessary
  • Carryout 3 x 66kV AC VLF pressure tests (66kV RMS/94kV Peak)


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